New for 2024 – BNI are hosting a special networking session at the next Essex Property Show

Written by LydiaBelhus

On May 27, 2024
BNI networking session - Essex Property Show

We are super excited to be collaborating with BNI this year, who will be hosting a special networking session on Friday 5th July 2024.

The networking session will run from 10:00am – 11:00am, an hour before the show ‘officially’ opens it’s doors at 11:00 am.  We welcome all local businesses in the area to take part, from small independents to large corporate companies.  The session will be included as part of the Friday’s  show ticket and will provide access to the show following the session.  Exhibitors of the show, as well as the general public are all welcome to take part.

This added element to this years show will provide a unique opportunity for local businesses to connect, build relationships and help form future collaborations with one another.

Networking - Essex Property Show

Connecting Local Businesses: The Power of Networking

In today’s fast-paced business environment, the importance of networking is incredibly important. There is something about meeting face to face that connects people on a much deeper level, helping form stronger bonds and trust much quicker than any other form of communication. Networking is the cornerstone of building lasting business relationships and discovering new opportunities to collaborate. If you want to make the most out of the session, be sure to read our Guide for building strong connections for Local Businesses at the Essex Property Show.

Acknowledging the power of networking is the reason why we have created a dedicated space and time before the show for local businesses to connect.

BNI logo - collaborating for networking session - Essex Property Show

A BNI hosted networking session

BNI (Business Network International) is the worlds largest referral network.  They provide a business community and run local groups called ‘Chapters’ across Essex. This is the reason, amongst many that the Essex Property Show wanted to collaborate with BNI this year.  We wanted to give attendees the best possible networking experience at the show so have collaborated to widen the network of businesses taking part in the session. BNI have invited all their local chapters to take part, so you can expect a diverse range of businesses attending – ticket holders will have the unique opportunity to gain contacts through their members on the day.

BNI are passionate about building strong relationships, helping local businesses grow, providing resources to develop skills and have access to a wide network of business connections both locally and globally.

They are renowned for their structured and professional approach to networking.  However, don’t expect this session to be as typically structured as you may have previously experienced if you have ever been to one of their meetings before.  The flow will be relaxed with plenty of opportunities for local businesses to interact in a supportive and dynamic session.  You do not need to be a BNI member to take part in the session – all are welcome!

networking - Essex Property Show

Bringing the Local Community Together

One of the core missions of the Essex Property Show is to strengthen our local community. We truly believe that together we can grow, together, we can create a harmonious community, where we all support one another.  The vision of the show was to provide a place where local businesses can thrive in a positive environment. By integrating a BNI led networking session into the event, we aim to bring a variety of businesses together – from small independents to larger corporate companies.

Our aim is to bring together a diverse group of professionals from a variety of business sectors, you don’t need to be within the ‘home & lifestyle sector’ to take part, we welcome all businesses to join in and interact.  We encourage good working relationships and hope for many collaborations to be made on the day.

We welcome both newcomers and seasoned networkers  – you do not need to pre-book for the session, just purchase a ticket to the Friday show, which will give you access to the session.  Just come with a nice smiley face and be sure to speak to lots of people!

Note – this networking session will only take place on Friday – not Saturday.

Where will it be held?

The networking session will take place in the Sports Hall – a separate hall from the main show area – members of staff will be at the door of Charter Hall to welcome you in at 10:00am and will be on hand show you round to where the session will take place.

Why you should attend the networking session:
  • Get the most from your ticket First and foremost by taking part in the networking session you are getting the very most from the show – the possibilities of who you might meet are endless.
  • Expand Your Network: Meet potential clients, partners, and collaborators from a variety of industries.
  • Grow Your Business: Discover new business opportunities and insights that can help you grow.
  • Support Local Economy: By connecting with local businesses, you contribute to the economic growth and sustainability of our community.
  • Learn and Share: Gain new perspectives and share your own experiences in a collaborative environment.

networking - Essex Property Show

Join us at the Essex Property Show

The BNI networking session is a highlight you don’t want to miss at the Essex Property Show. It’s more than just networking; it’s an investment in your business and an opportunity to engage and connect with your community.  This is your chance to get the very most from the show – connect, collaborate, and create lasting business relationships.

After the networking session ends, you can then be one of the first to walk around the stalls and speak with the stallholders, be the first to take your seats as the first speaker gives their talk on stage at 11:30am.  Perhaps grab a drink at the licenced bar with a newly formed business partner and continue your business discussions?

We look forward to welcoming you to the show and excited to be bringing the community together, we hope lots of new business relationships are formed and continue to grow outside of the show.

Not got your tickets yet? Then make sure to grab them here.

Mark your calendars, get your business cards ready and get ready to unlock new opportunities!

Networking - Essex Property Show


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